Consultations With Dr Deb
Or of course we can do a consultation by phone… Skype..or email…your choice.
I do Nutritional Consultation and Bioresonance testing (making a VERY specific homeopathic remedy..just for you). These can address any health issue going on with you. See my About page for my education.
To have your health history, or that of your pet’s reviewed personally by me, followed by a personal consultation, an evaluation of your bio-field with the e-Lybra and a recommended protocol for healing…
– Send a note including the following information on Dr. Deb’s Contact form and we will get back to you on how to mail your envelope with your hair /fur sample.
Information I need:
Date of birth (very important)..(or close as you can if for a pet)
Last time you were well
List all medications or hospital stays
Any tests that you have had and the results.
What are your symptoms today, the things that really get in the way of you living the life you want
Childhood health history.
All vitamin/mineral supplements and any herbal/homeopathic remedies you are currently taking.
Include your e-mail address and phone number and Skype name
Then, I will need a hair/fur sample, about the amount that would fit on a 50 cent piece. It should be from the nape of the neck and if you colour your hair, take the sample just before you are going to re-colour, so I have as much of your natural hair as possible. If this is for your pet..I need the same size sample of fur or feathers.
Place this in a clean envelope or ziplock (better, actually), fold it into another envelope and send to us.
Dr Deborah Baker
60 Earl’s Rd
Huntsville, ON
P1H 1C7
Once I have received this information, we will contact you by e-mail to set up a consultation time.
I will discuss all aspects of your health during our consultation (usually lasting somewhere between one half to one hour, run the e-lybra testing and then I will set up a protocol for you and we can supply your supplements or you can take it to your holistic health care practitioner and blend it with their suggestions.
When the protocol is ready, we will call or e-mail you with my suggestions and you can then decide if you need us to ship anything.
The test on the e-Lybra takes me over two hours to run and the phone consultation will last 1/2 hour to an hour..what ever we need.
Fee: $275.00 (U.S. or Canadian dollars) for the initial consultation.
Subsequent Fee: $245.00 (U.S. dollars or Canadian) payable by Cheque, e-Transfer.
You may pay through us when you call the office to book your appointment. NOTE: This must be paid for before I do the actual consultation.
You may call from the US and Canada 1-705-789-5616 or use the Contact Us form to email me.
Once we have done the first consultation, you will need to contact me in 3-4 weeks to do the follow up testing. Depending on how ill you/your pet is we may have to do a few or several sessions to get to the bottom of the problems. You and I will be discussing this throughout your treatment.
Remember, you heal from the outside inward..getting closer and closer to the core problem as I work with you. If you have been unwell for a long time…then obviously it will take me longer to work through this with you.
When you are under my care and advisement, you are free to email me from the contact form with questions and concerns during your treatment.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me through the form. I look forward to working with you.
Dr. Deb.